Mother Nature-archy
Heal the Heart’s Climate
And Create a Culture that cares for Life and Nature
This website is under slow construction, I hope there’s enough for you to get an idea. Gradually, there will be more complete resources.
The picture is of Mother Nature. In our present ‘Western’ world, we’ve forgotten we’re part of nature. That’s causing climate disaster and much misery.
On Mother Nature’s head, the birds are doing the work of nature, caring for life.
Imagine if we all lived this way, cared for the life of nature, and humans. And the life of our hearts. We can all be happier. Nature can be happier.
This would be a quite different way of life from the present way most of us live. Cooperating with Mother Nature involves living by different values to build our world. For our future, we need this paradigm shift.
Here’s a recipe, some key laws of nature to use as a guide. The same laws of nature live in our hearts as well. This recipe works in the inner and the outer world.
Life Recipe
Care for Life – love, mothering
We are part of Nature
We are good like Nature
We are Interconnected
Deep Mind
Great Mother
The conch in Mother Nature’s heart
is an image for our inner world, our inner climate. Its pink is the Buddhist colour for loving kindness. Our inner depths are part of nature too, and live by same natural laws.
The conch shows how our inner and our outer world are inseparable. they work together.
Our ‘Western’ world is very oriented towards material reality. We easily forget our inner world, source of our values, kindness, love, frustrations and hatreds, and the ways we treat each other; full of memories, dreams and vision.
Anything we do in the world has its source in the conch: attitudes, values, desires, what we consider important.
The climate around Mother Nature has clouds and rain. Changemakers are trying to reduce carbon, and protect forests and oceans. To make a thorough job, the conch needs to change too: drop attitudes and beliefs that caused the damage, and find habits that support a healthy way to live.
For those of us who are changemakers: our inner climate also needs to heal. When we live according to the natural ways of our inner world, we can restore our outer world too.
In the conch we’ll find strengths, wisdom and compassion to help the disrupted climate. We can create a life in accord with the laws of nature, and cooperate together.
Having the idea is not enough.
How do we embody these values?
How do they become the habitual ways we think, feel and act?
This website offers resources for growing into Life:
to envision a life-supporting world,
and grow ourselves into a person who could live that way.
How can we change our values, down to the roots?
We can do this with Creative Imagination, Visioning, Meditation
The style of meditation you will find on this site includes all these. Ideas are not enough. We need to feel and act as part of nature, deeply in our blood, bones, and heart. By doing this we embody her in our lives. To meditate on it, we go down into deep mind. In the picture, Deep Mind is represented by the ocean.
The work here is based on Tibetan Buddhism. Its meditation methods are presented in untraditional ways. Buddhism is normally used for our personal life. The same work can also help to change our world, and the basis of the way we live.