
Mother Nature-archy

And Create a Culture that cares for Life and Nature

This website is under slow construction, I hope there’s enough for you to get an idea. Gradually, there will be more complete resources.

In the picture, Mother Nature, in her ancient, large form, is surrounded by mothering. 

We need to move beyond patriarchy and oligarchy, with their capitalism and colonialism, to Mother Nature-archy.  

In Mother Nature-archy, we’d live by the laws of Mother Nature, which is more like our natural state, since we are children of Mother Nature.

Many indigenous matriarchies still live that way. Modern ‘westerners’ can’t copy old ways. We need to create something new for our future, for the planet, that works for us. 

This is a Life-Affirming Way to Live

It’s a complete paradigm shift, a shift in the fundamental values we live by. We could be happier in our personal life; and we could look after the planet that way, to live well, into the future.

This Recipe for Life is a selection of essential laws of nature – what I’m calling values.

Life Recipe

Care for Life – love, mothering
We are part of Nature
We are good like Nature
We are Interconnected
Deep Mind
Great Mother

Having the idea is not enough.
How do we embody these values?
How do they become the habitual ways we think, feel and act?

This website offers resources for growing into Life:
to envision a life-supporting world,
and grow ourselves into a person who could live that way. 

How can we change our values, down to the roots?  

We can do this with Creative Imagination, Visioning, Meditation 

The style of meditation you will find on this site includes all these. Ideas are not enough. We meditate on it to go down into deep mind and do all this there. We need to feel and act as part of nature, deeply in our blood, bones, and heart. By doing this we embody her in our lives. 

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