
Inner Climate

The conch has a beautiful pink inner realm. Its inner chambers are clearly connected to its outer house: just as humans’ inner realm is connected to our outer life. Our inner realms are also part of Nature, like the conch.

Meditation, creative imagination, visioning

From idea to deep experience, in Deep Mind

No deep changes will be made just from ideas in the head. We need to feel changes in our whole being. For this, we use meditation and creative visualisation. We go out of thinking into Deep Mind: emotion, body sensation, imagination. There we can experience living this recipe in our hearts and in daily life.

Our inner climate, the emotional weather within, blusters about or blows as gentle breezes. Memories, values, dreams, hopes, fears, vision. Deep Mind is where deep change happens. 

The style of meditation I studied in Tibetan Buddhism uses all the faculties and languages of Deep Mind. It includes a wide range of methods for different purposes. I explore ways to work with it for modern people; we meditate on the basic principles and methods, in our cultural context. 

Emotional healing, climate anxiety

We can heal emotions and transform them to strengths. That includes anxieties brought up by the climate catastrophe, environmental damage, and other social issues.

Build strengths for a life-honouring future

Meditation develops the strengths of our recipe for life, our natural way to live; 

our natural capacity for love, caring, mothering, peace.


We can transform our values and develop wisdom, to values that make us happy healthy and strong. We come to embody the values of the recipe. 


We can meditate to change the world. We can imagine how a new world would look and feel, with healthy values. We get a feel of what it would be like to live in a culture that honours life. This provides a deep basis for creating that culture around us, in the way we live, the way we interact with people, build community and look after nature. It can take us to a life-giving life. 

1 thought on “Heart”

  1. Dido this format offers a hope filled approach to the future which is rare at the moment.
    Also, points to a way of working positively with difficult challenges using ancient knowledge especially of women. Maybe we have forgotten how wise we are, and you are helping us to re-member our true selves… Wonderful and exciting. Kirstine


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