We are all made of Elements

Elements simple sotoba ox m 220523 tr ed

Imagine a yellow square in your deep belly, lower cakra, bottom of the spine area – a nice big cube of yellow for the earth element – you can make it ochre yellow if you like – very simply feel the nature of this yellow ochre cube – it’s square – it’s solid – it’s not going anywhere – it’s like a rock – a bit of earth – or a mountain – 

Without going on a whole trip with lots of detail about where you find earth in different ways, feel its quality – we all have earth in our being – in our bones – when we’re feeling steady, quiet, stable – like a mountain – 

this element is everywhere – it’s the basis of nature – in city pavements – out in the beautiful hills – the same element earth – it’s in me – I am part of nature 

Now a blue sphere in your belly – water element – there’s water in me and water all over the planet – in every living being – absorb yourself in that blue – water is emotions too – we can get tangled in our emotions – see the blue colour that’s our emotions, simply put –

all nature is completely pure in essence – our impurity is when we get caught in emotions and thoughts – the elements themselves – the building blocks of nature – the fundamental underlying forces of nature – are pure in essence – so when you feel that blue colour in your belly, the simple colour brings us into the purity of that element – beyond all the zigging and zagging of our minds and bodies and circumstances – 

now a red pyramid in the heart area – fire – just the colour and shape – these symbolic images speak into our depth – they are the language of our depth – let the colour and the shape, the form of the pyramid, speak into your depth –

this is me – and this is everywhere – I’m not a separate little suffering thing, oh my god I’m alone – I’m part of nature – made of the same forces as all nature – within me is fire – heat – warmth – movement – inspiration – you find it in London – in the desert – you find it everywhere – I’m part of it all – I’m not separate – sometimes there’s too much – sometimes too little – it’s always the same fundamental force – in its purity – 

these elements arise out of Great Mother primordial mind – who is mother of the 10,000 things – you have three elements in your body so far – keep them there, and relax into the primordial mind out of which all elements arise – these elements are the primal forces that arise out of Great Mother spaciousness void awareness – relax into that – 

the next element is air – a white half-moon like a bowl in your throat area – make these nice and large – when the symbols are larger they’re more relaxing – if you make them smaller they’re more intense – so nice and large – gently relax with all these four images in your body – all just resting there – these elements are pure – the way all nature is pure – 

the fifth element is a teardrop shape, centred in the forehead – make it nice and large and gentle – not intense – the element of space – the element of space has two levels – it arises out of spaciousness – it arises out of Great Mother who is beyond space – Great Mother who is mother of space – space is like a doorway to Great Mother – who is very spacious – relax into space – then relax more deeply beyond space – into great primordial mind – out of which space and all the elements arise – I hope I’m not making you think too much there – just relax into it and feel that – 

rest in spaciousness with the four elements – earth, water, fire and air – their purity is their wisdom – these are the five wisdoms – they’re not meaningless elements – the basic elements are form, as it arises – when we perceive it as pure, it’s wisdom – relax into the wisdom the elements truly are – 

these are the forces the whole world is made of – and our emotions, our mind – all our activities – everything – there is nothing that arises that’s not made out of these four simple forces – me, the bees, the buses, everything – I am completely part of the unity of all creation – no separate self – 

I’m just my own combination of those things, that’s all – I have a little more earth than the bees – perhaps – bees have more air than I do – or perhaps they just have air in a different way because they fly – whereas I have air because I’ve been trained to think a lot – we both have air, in our own style – it’s the same air – me and the bees – thunderstorms – relax into that wisdom – the wisdom that we all are in union with each other – just slightly different movements of these basic forces –  

All our little dances – I’m a little dance, you’re a little dance, bees another little dance – all these little dances arise out of Great Mother spaciousness – then they relax and dissolve into her again – we’re constantly dancing in and out of spaciousness – feel that gently, gently – with these simple colours and shapes – I’m part of all nature – 

let the image go – rest in the spaciousness – primordial Great Mother mind – awareness – rest in that – 

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