Great Cosmic Mother

Great cosmic mother is white because she can feel like vast emptiness. She’s called mother because out of her all things arise and dissolve. 


great cosmic mother is innate in all things. everything being sacred, that changes everything from dead to alive.

We have two sacred mothers.  Mother nature arises from Great Cosmic Mother, who is innate in all things.   A way to describe the difference between them  is to think about going into the natural world – into mother nature, where one feels a sense of peace, vitality, a presence.  That is like the full and empty experience of our great cosmic mother.   In a buddhist view, this is ‘the void’ innate within all form.

Just as everything comes from the void, every person comes from a mother. that is how void, primordial wisdom mind, is felt as mother, in Buddhism, and in many religions and cultures across the world. 

This presence is a different sense of the sacred to that of a belief in a divine creator who looks upon the material and sensate world but is not part of it.  the feeling of the sacred in all things is intrinsic to many Indigenous philosophies and spiritualities across the world. 

Personal and spiritual practice





Sacredness of all


Treat everything as sacred

Act as a guardian of the sacred, of nature

Don’t do harm for profit or personal gain

Go into nature

foster peace and clarity
