
And Create a Culture that cares for Life and Nature

Do you feel distressed by the climate emergency?
Wars, dictatorships, poverty, and destruction of nature?
Do you feel helpless and don’t know what to do?

We’re wrecking nature and the climate, for greed, and capitalism. Mother Nature creates all life. Our society forgets we are part of nature. We must put life before money. 

artichoke with bee

How can we change our values, down to the roots?  

We can do this with Creative Imagination, Visioning, Meditation 

The style of meditation you will find on this site includes all these. Ideas are not enough. We meditate on it to go down into deep mind and do all this there. We need to feel and act as part of nature, deeply in our blood, bones, and heart. By doing this we embody her in our lives. 

Here are three things you can do, straight away



Envision a future regenerative culture, that honours life, and cares for Mother Nature. To create a culture so different from our modern society, we must imagine it first. With a vision, whatever we do will be deep-rooted in life-giving values.



Heal the heart’s climate
Transform climate distress into strength of heart. Embody life-supporting values.  



How would we build our communities? 
How would it feel to live in such a culture?

mandala draft

The Recipe

Care for Life – love, mothering
We are part of Nature
We are good like Nature
We are Interconnected
Deep Mind
Great Mother

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