We are all interconnected

The bee is our key species for the survival of the ecosystems which support us and every other creature. The bee represents how interconnected we all are and how we rely on each other.

‘I talk about this one word, Omni beneficence. I say that that’s what we’re trying to move towards. Omni beneficence, meaning to be a benefit and blessing to all and every other life form out there, the way it conducts with the way they conduct their life supports, not only their own kind, but but supports and and care takes all of the surrounding life around it. Western science calls it ecosystem, but really these are, these are very deep family relationships, and then that family supports the neighboring family, and the next one, and the next one, the next one.’ Pat McCabe, Dine


physically we humans are inter-related with all living and non-living things on the planet, in nature’s ecosystems.  Those who don’t agree should try holding their breath for more than 5 minutes!  

our hearts are connected to others, our family, our communities, people and other non-human species and places across our earth.  in our present world, you’re supposed to be independent and not need anybody, not need relationship. relationship and listening, mothering and nurturing, are the ways we connect with each other.

Personal and spiritual practice




All our relations 

Overview Meditations

We are Interconnected


Care for the life of our communities. we can’t live alone. We live by our connections and relationships.

build a way of  living in an inter-related way.

Community -building – we are related to all other in our species anyway, so we may as well make an effort. Community action to build inter-connectedness with other people around us, and with the natural world (for the benefit of our earth and the climate) are 

Transition Town movement 


Ecofeminism – treat each other as mother, respecting women, as women represent mother earth.

Treating all sentient beings and places as our relations, and sacred as humans are also 

Look after each other as an inter-connected part of life’s web

Building all of the actions in this recipe 

Various environment actions such as planting trees, educating, writing to politicians, joining an environment group 
