Listening is key to community


here is a meditation on listening. wouldn’t the world be great if we all did this the more I listen, the deeper I love. listen ox m 240410 tr ed Can listening heal the world – imagine you’re by the sea – or somewhere you love in nature – and listen – what happens to … Read more

Elements for a healthy world

I’d stumbled on one of the rare Buddhist schools that taught mainly through the elements: the natural forces, earth, water, fire, air, space. Perfect for me. It brought my beloved nature into my spiritual practice. The poetry of my youth was about bush, sea, and the mysterious presence within nature, in mountain fastnesses and rushing … Read more

Four Loves

The four loves give four different ways of caring for all beings. This is one of my favourite practices. In Buddhism, they’re called the Four Immeasurables, or Four Boundless States. Four Loves Kindness, Compassion  luv 4 m1 hv200603 tr ed loving kindness, friendliness – let’s start with nature where it’s easiest – imagine you see … Read more

I am alive and good

alive and good ox 230221 tr ed I am alive – whatever crisis happens in our climate-change lives and other disasters – we are always alive – until we’re not, which is another matter – we always can remember – whatever befalls us – I am alive – anywhere you land up on a desert … Read more

I am Alive

A Simple Meditation  Also useful for Climate Emergency and other Disasters Life is the first ingredient in the recipe, the most important thing. We’ll meditate on what it feels like to be alive, take it not just as an idea but deep into our experience. It brings us back to what’s really important, and restores … Read more