Mother Nature’s Mothering

Cult Mother Nature’s Mothering m 110630 Great Mother tr ed

Move down into the body – feel your whole body from top to toe as the place of awareness – your body with all its senses – and its inner senses – drop, drop, drop, relax – 

Now imagine you’re in a place in wild nature – that reminds you of nature as mother – whatever you choose, be it a place you love – relax into feeling nature around you as mother – you don’t need to visualise everything with utter clarity – just get the feeling you’re in a natural place that is like your mother – nature is your mother – you are her child – along with birds, bees, trees – all of you are nature’s children – born from nature – 

feel how your body is part of the earth – rocks and trees, also their body is part of the earth – there’s water in your body – and water in the natural place around you – a stream or the sea or raindrops or the sap in the trees – it’s all the same water that comes in nature – feel the water and the earth inside you – feel it, not just think about it – created by Mother Nature for you – 

Do you feel safe here – let yourself feel how Mother Nature cares for you – feeds you – even if the food comes through the supermarket, it comes from Mother Nature – having created you and your body, she’s arranged that there’s food for you and your body – fruit, meat, vegetables, water – all the things your body needs – 

Feel how nature as mother, she’s a life-supporting system – creates your life and supports it – she provides a whole environment for you – she’s quite a bit bigger than you – the sun’s warmth – everything right to support your life – 

If thoughts come up about all the things that don’t support your life, and degradation of the environment – remember that’s what we’ve done to her – it’s not how Mother Nature operates herself – 

Yes, there’s death – we eat each other – out in nature you might get eaten – that will support the life of somebody – there’s death as part of the life-supporting system feel that – death is not against life – it’s part of the life-supporting cycle – 

within the water, earth, food and body, permeating it – feel Great Mother spaciousness – also part of Mother Nature – relax into that profound spaciousness that’s within and around all creatures – within and around us – 

which might not be just emptiness – it might be the presence Mother Nature has – that we have also – the deepest level of consciousness – not something neutral – alive – that supports your life – the life of your spirit –  

feel how does Mother Nature love you? – feel the love of Mother Nature for her child – her creature – that is you – we’re so beautiful, all of us – birds, plants – mysteriously complex beings – let yourself love yourself – and all creatures – like Mother Nature does – 

Mother Nature created us in bodies – with all our senses – is there a feeling of sacredness about the body and senses that nature created – brought forth out of her – she created things that delight our senses – beautiful sights and sounds – you might hear the bush around you – or the sea – wherever you are – bird calls – flower with beautiful smells – smells of mosses or salt spray – this is part of the love Mother Nature gave you – enjoyment of your senses – luscious sweet tastes – sexual delight – that’s part of mother’s creation – 

We’re not just talking about physical things – she created our emotional world as well – our ability to respond and say, that’s beautiful, I love that – our ability to think, understand, see – all part of what has been brought forth by nature — with its own sacredness because of that – 

Feel the love for your Mother Nature who created you – love goes both ways – from her to you and you to her – love for your brothers and sisters, other creatures – the elements – relax into that love – that surrounds you – is you – supports you – you give out – 

Feel how nature’s love is there when there’s darkness as well as light – included in nature’s patterns is darkness winter and summer – sickness and accidents – food and shit – life and death – all that is embraced in mother’s love – all sacred in the same way – sometimes there’s devastating weather in a normal cycle – we’re not talking about global warming – just the wide variety of weathers nature has – 

Feel the incredible power our body and our emotions have to heal – when creatures suffer accidents – drought or whatever – how we heal – how miraculous that is – huge healing power of the body that keeps it going through all sorts of troubles – keep relaxing into these things – relax into the love – the trust in the power of healing – of being part of a huge whole – relax into that – 

we’re part of a huge whole – not separate from her – part of this great weave of living beings – rocks and water – relax into being part of it – part of the great spaciousness that’s innate in all things that appear – innate in all our bodies – great shining aware spaciousness – our great cosmic mother – Let that spaciousness deepen our sense of being part of everything – since that spaciousness is innate in all things the same – like an ocean we all float in – gradually come back to this room – still feeling that sense of being part of it all – 

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