Think, Feel, Do

The picture shows the three areas to cook the recipe in. The arrows between them say, we can start anywhere: outer action, the dancers; the inner realm, the conch; vision and understanding, the forest with roots.


Envision a future regenerative culture, that honours life, and cares for Mother Nature. To create a culture so different from our modern society, we must imagine it first. With a vision, whatever we do will be deep-rooted in life-giving values.


Heal the heart’s climate
Transform climate distress into strength of heart. Embody life-supporting values.  


How would we build our communities? 
How would it feel to live in such a culture?

the same recipe can be a guide in all aspects of creating a livable future.

THINK: having the vision, and understanding what we’re doing. it’s like having a plan or map.

FEEL is the water of Deep Mind. There we transform what we want out of life, how we relate to each other, and all those things it has to happen inside. 

this realm is not being concentrated on so much. this is my specialty. 

DO:how do we get there, our outer life and activity. Lots of people are doing this in lots of ways. This is where the most activity is concentrated at the moment. So there are all sorts of people from permaculture to activist groups of all kinds, bike lanes, fighting oil companies, looking after conservation. 


if we have the overview, the map or plan clear, then we could coordinate our efforts, much more. the plan would focus us in the direction of what we want to achieve.