We are part of Mother Nature

The light green child on Mother Nature’s belly shows how we are part of the life of Mother Nature. We are much more magnificent than you ever could be without that 


We are not alone, we have co-evolved with all other living things, our relatives, on earth.  Our hearts and minds are also part of nature. Despite the conditioning of westerners over hundreds of years that nature is an externality to our species, and there for us to exploit, the irrefutable reality is that we are part of nature.  

All of life is sentient – we share, with all living beings, a deep mind, and shared  and ancient awareness.  

People  from many cultures believe a sacred consciousness is alive in everything – trees, rocks, water, stars, you name it.  We are all a part of this great all-pervading creative consciousness. 

Personal and spiritual practice

We are all made of Elements

  • Nature 
  • Deities
  • Our brothers and sisters


For people indoctrinated into thinking nature is separate form humans, and that ‘it’ is there to be exploited for our ends: find ways to question and uproot that indoctrination.

Think and act as a part of nature, and that we are truly related to all that is sentient. 

Values that rest in an awareness that we humans are all part of nature will inform action to mitigate and adapt to climate change.  Nature is not an enemy or servant to be controlled or exploited.  Our earth is mother of all of us.  We are, all living beings, her children.  Right now she is sick. Humans have made her sick, with pollution and burning fossil fuels. She needs our help to make her better.  Humans can’t stop the dangerous climate trajectory world with the same system that has created this problem.  We modern day, Western, humans, need to listen to the wisdom of nature, and change our values and hearts, and actions in accordance to our earth’s wisdom.


Sum of above